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Implements a generalized switching equation. Reveals observed outcomes from multiple potential outcomes variables and an assignment variable.





A formula with the outcome name on the left hand side and assignment variables on the right hand side (e.g., Y ~ Z).


dat <- fabricate(
  N = 10,
  U = rnorm(N),
  potential_outcomes(Y ~ 0.1 * Z + U)

  data = dat,
  Z = rbinom(N, 1, prob = 0.5),
  Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ Z)
#>    ID           U       Y_Z_0        Y_Z_1 Z           Y
#> 1  01  1.39086434  1.39086434  1.490864343 0  1.39086434
#> 2  02 -0.13750193 -0.13750193 -0.037501933 0 -0.13750193
#> 3  03  0.67033759  0.67033759  0.770337589 1  0.77033759
#> 4  04 -0.38786411 -0.38786411 -0.287864112 0 -0.38786411
#> 5  05 -0.09679926 -0.09679926  0.003200736 0 -0.09679926
#> 6  06 -1.01883212 -1.01883212 -0.918832124 1 -0.91883212
#> 7  07 -1.64976624 -1.64976624 -1.549766235 1 -1.54976624
#> 8  08  1.39843365  1.39843365  1.498433648 1  1.49843365
#> 9  09 -0.39910974 -0.39910974 -0.299109742 0 -0.39910974
#> 10 10 -0.32915564 -0.32915564 -0.229155635 1 -0.22915564

  N = 10,
  U = rnorm(N),
  potential_outcomes(Y ~ 0.1 * Z1 + 0.3 * Z2 + 0.5 * Z1 * Z2 + U,
                     conditions = list(Z1 = c(0, 1),
                                       Z2 = c(0, 1))),
  Z1 = rbinom(N, 1, prob = 0.5),
  Z2 = rbinom(N, 1, prob = 0.5),
  Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ Z1 + Z2)
#>    ID           U Y_Z1_0_Z2_0 Y_Z1_1_Z2_0  Y_Z1_0_Z2_1  Y_Z1_1_Z2_1 Z1 Z2
#> 1  01 -1.03747679 -1.03747679 -0.93747679 -0.737476793 -0.137476793  1  1
#> 2  02 -0.33526269 -0.33526269 -0.23526269 -0.035262690  0.564737310  0  1
#> 3  03 -0.07960838 -0.07960838  0.02039162  0.220391615  0.820391615  0  1
#> 4  04 -0.30783934 -0.30783934 -0.20783934 -0.007839345  0.592160655  1  0
#> 5  05  0.42157073  0.42157073  0.52157073  0.721570730  1.321570730  1  1
#> 6  06 -0.21227139 -0.21227139 -0.11227139  0.087728611  0.687728611  0  1
#> 7  07 -2.29019919 -2.29019919 -2.19019919 -1.990199189 -1.390199189  1  0
#> 8  08 -0.90782256 -0.90782256 -0.80782256 -0.607822561 -0.007822561  1  1
#> 9  09  0.85824078  0.85824078  0.95824078  1.158240781  1.758240781  0  1
#> 10 10 -1.24086120 -1.24086120 -1.14086120 -0.940861195 -0.340861195  1  1
#>               Y
#> 1  -0.137476793
#> 2  -0.035262690
#> 3   0.220391615
#> 4  -0.207839345
#> 5   1.321570730
#> 6   0.087728611
#> 7  -2.190199189
#> 8  -0.007822561
#> 9   1.158240781
#> 10 -0.340861195