Glance at an estimatr object
For glance.lm_robust
, a data.frame with columns:
- r.squared
the \(R^2\), $$R^2 = 1 - Sum(e[i]^2) / Sum((y[i] - y^*)^2),$$ where \(y^*\) is the mean of \(y[i]\) if there is an intercept and zero otherwise, and \(e[i]\) is the ith residual.
- adj.r.squared
the \(R^2\) but penalized for having more parameters,
- se_type
the standard error type specified by the user
- statistic
the value of the F-statistic
- p.value
p-value from the F test
- df.residual
residual degrees of freedom
- nobs
the number of observations used
For glance.lh_robust
, we glance the lm_robust
component only. You can access the linear hypotheses as a data.frame directy from the lh
component of the lh_robust
For glance.iv_robust
, a data.frame with columns:
- r.squared
The \(R^2\) of the second stage regression
- adj.r.squared
The \(R^2\) but penalized for having more parameters,
- df.residual
residual degrees of freedom
- N
the number of observations used
- se_type
the standard error type specified by the user
- statistic
the value of the F-statistic
- p.value
p-value from the F test
- statistic.weakinst
the value of the first stage F-statistic, useful for the weak instruments test; only reported if there is only one endogenous variable
- p.value.weakinst
p-value from the first-stage F test, a test of weak instruments; only reported if there is only one endogenous variable
- statistic.endogeneity
the value of the F-statistic for the test of endogeneity; often called the Wu-Hausman statistic, with robust standard errors, we employ the regression based test
- p.value.endogeneity
p-value from the F-test for endogeneity
- statistic.overid
the value of the chi-squared statistic for the test of instrument correlation with the error term; only reported with overidentification
- p.value.overid
p-value from the chi-squared test; only reported with overidentification
For glance.difference_in_means
, a data.frame with columns:
- design
the design used, and therefore the estimator used
- df
the degrees of freedom
- nobs
the number of observations used
- nblocks
the number of blocks, if used
- nclusters
the number of clusters, if used
- condition2
the second, "treatment", condition
- condition1
the first, "control", condition
For glance.horvitz_thompson
, a data.frame with columns:
- nobs
the number of observations used
- se_type
the type of standard error estimator used
- condition2
the second, "treatment", condition
- condition1
the first, "control", condition