Absorbing Fixed Effects with estimatr
Whether analyzing a block-randomized experiment or adding fixed
effects for a panel model, absorbing group means can speed up estimation
time. The fixed_effects
argument in both
and iv_robust
allows you to do just
that, although the speed gains are greatest with “HC1” standard errors.
Specifying fixed effects is really simple.
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper DF
## hp -0.02403883 0.01503818 -1.598521 0.1211523 -0.05484314 0.006765475 28
## cyl4 cyl6 cyl8
## 28.65012 22.68246 20.12927
Before proceeding, three quick notes:
- Most of the speed gains occur when estimating “HC1” robust standard errors, or “stata” standard errors when there is clustering. This is because most of the speed gains come from avoiding inverting a large matrix of group dummies, but this step is still necessary for “HC2”, “HC3”, and “CR2” standard errors.
- While you can specify multiple sets of fixed effects, such as
fixed_effects = ~ year + country
, please ensure that your model is well-specified if you do so. If there are dependencies or overlapping groups across multiple sets of fixed effects, we cannot guarantee the correct degrees of freedom. - For now, weighted “CR2” estimation is not possible with fixed_effects.
Speed gains
In general, our speed gains will be greatest as the number of groups/fixed effects is large relative to the number of observations. Imagine we have 300 matched-pairs in an experiment.
# Load packages for comparison
# Create matched-pairs dataset using fabricatr
dat <- fabricate(
blocks = add_level(N = 300),
indiv = add_level(N = 2, z = sample(0:1), y = rnorm(N) + z)
## blocks indiv z y
## 1 001 001 1 1.4961828
## 2 001 002 0 -0.8595843
## 3 002 003 1 0.1709400
## 4 002 004 0 -0.3215731
## 5 003 005 1 -0.3037704
## 6 003 006 0 -1.4214866
# With HC2
`base + sandwich` = {
lo <- lm(y ~ z + factor(blocks), dat)
coeftest(lo, vcov = vcovHC(lo, type = "HC2"))
`lm_robust` = lm_robust(y ~ z + factor(blocks), dat),
`lm_robust + fes` = lm_robust(y ~ z, data = dat, fixed_effects = ~ blocks),
times = 50
## Warning in microbenchmark(`base + sandwich` = {: less accurate nanosecond times
## to avoid potential integer overflows
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max
## base + sandwich 142.09866 143.28385 145.77566 144.0273 145.44963 173.25796
## lm_robust 35.02573 35.27652 38.79234 35.6266 37.14645 105.74839
## lm_robust + fes 22.15132 22.35177 24.27655 22.5500 23.60497 86.02247
## neval cld
## 50 a
## 50 b
## 50 c
Speed gains are considerably greater with HC1 standard errors. This is because we need to get the hat matrix for HC2, HC3, and CR2 standard errors, which requires inverting that large matrix of dummies we previously avoided doing. HC0, HC1, CR0, and CRstata standard errors do not require this inversion.
# With HC1
`base + sandwich` = {
lo <- lm(y ~ z + factor(blocks), dat)
coeftest(lo, vcov = vcovHC(lo, type = "HC1"))
`lm_robust` = lm_robust(
y ~ z + factor(blocks),
se_type = "HC1"
`lm_robust + fes` = lm_robust(
y ~ z,
data = dat,
fixed_effects = ~ blocks,
se_type = "HC1"
times = 50
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq
## base + sandwich 140.701094 142.937767 147.344885 143.542947 144.371455
## lm_robust 28.121859 28.639976 29.767021 29.217481 30.938354
## lm_robust + fes 2.505797 2.722974 3.023808 2.829533 2.925596
## max neval cld
## 209.424720 50 a
## 32.378233 50 b
## 5.249353 50 c