Create a regression discontinuity design
Builds a design with sample from population of size N
. The average treatment effect local to the cutpoint is equal to tau
. It allows for specification of the order of the polynomial regression (poly_reg_order
), cutoff value on the running variable (cutoff
), and size of bandwidth around the cutoff (bandwidth
). By providing a vector of numbers to control_coefs
and treatment_coefs
, users can also specify polynomial regression coefficients that generate the expected control and treatment potential outcomes given the running variable.
- N
An integer. Size of population to sample from.
- tau
A number. Difference in potential outcomes functions at the threshold.
- outcome_sd
A positive number. The standard deviation of the outcome.
- cutoff
A number in (0,1). Threshold on running variable beyond which units are treated.
- bandwidth
A number. The value of the bandwidth on both sides of the threshold from which to include units.
- control_coefs
A vector of numbers. Coefficients for polynomial regression function that generates control potential outcomes. Order of polynomial is equal to length.
- treatment_coefs
A vector of numbers. Coefficients for polynomial regression function that generates treatment potential outcomes. Order of polynomial is equal to length.
- poly_reg_order
Integer greater than or equal to 1. Order of the polynomial regression used to estimate the jump at the cutoff.
- args_to_fix
A character vector. Names of arguments to be args_to_fix in design.
See vignette online.